
  • Cardio HIIT

    Instructor: Michelle

    We will work hard for 30 minutes. It will be a high intensity class but don’t worry, there will be low impact options given. The music will be the driving force, so get ready to move and maybe sweat a little!

    Have free weights, a towel and running shoes ready!


    Instructors: Karine/Sharron

    A dynamic, full body workout that combines stretching and strengthening while engaging all muscles. This equipment-free class will increase flexibility and mobility for a healthy, energized and rebalanced body.

    Equipment: Bare feet preferred, Yoga mat

    Optional; yoga strap / exercise band, small cushion / soft block to sit on (see alternatives here)

    Level: beginners with modifications, intermediate

    45 min


    Instructors: Karine/Sharron

    A dynamic, full body workout that combines standing and barre exercises in one class. Respectful to the body, yet challenging. Toning and strengthening with a deep stretch at the end. Barre work helps to stretch the deep muscles of the spine, hips, hamstrings and quads, in order to relieve pain and permit full range of motion.

    Equipment: Bare feet preferred, Yoga mat

    Optional; yoga strap / exercise band, small cushion / soft block to sit on (see alternatives here)

    Barre class; sturdy chair, medium standard height, put leg up on it comfortably

    Level: beginner with modifications, intermediate

    45 min

  • ESSENTRICS® Gentle Stretch

    Instructors: Karine/Sharron

    This class, commonly referred to as “Aging Backwards”, will restore movement in your joints, flexibility in your muscles, relieve pain, and increase energy.

    A slower-paced, gentle full body workout. It is designed for those who have chronic aches and pains, recovering from injury, beginning to exercise after a long sedentary period, or simply looking for a slow and more relaxed tempo class.

    Equipment: Bare feet preferred, Yoga mat

    Optional; yoga strap / exercise band, small cushion / soft block to sit on (see alternatives here)

    Level: beginners….all

    45 min

  • ESSENTRICS® Stretch Modifications & Quick Tips

    Instructor: Karine

    Discover alternative stretches to common exercises we do in Essentrics classes. For example, floor stretches that can be done on a chair instead. Stretch modifications for those with less mobility or pain. You are welcome to show me how you do a certain stretch and I can check that you are doing it correctly or offer suggestions. Ask me questions on where you are supposed to be feeling the stretch.

  • Free For All

    Instructor: Kim

    This strength training class is open to members and non-members. You are welcome to share the codes outside our private group for this session only. Classes vary from week to week. Some Sundays we have a guest instructor. (See the schedule)

    Equipment: weights, mat, chair (see alternatives here)

    Level: Newbie (w modifications) Dabbler, Keener, Cracker Jack should be fine

    45 min

  • Gentle Yoga

    Instructor: Susan

    Joins mind body spirit through meditation, asanas for flexibility, strength, balance & restorative poses to close.
    Note: classes are 1 hour with the last !0 minutes being a series of restorative poses.

    Equipment: Bare feet is best. Blocks, tennis ball, mat, strap, bolster. Not all props are used each class. (alternative equipment listed here)

    Level: All

    1 hour

  • Groove

    Instructor: Kim/Michelle


    Let’s move to the music! We will make our way through 20 moves by mastering one at a time. Make sure you have room to Groove!


    Moving our bodies to different styles of music; Disco, Urban, Latin, cardio and Party dance. We will finish with a good stretch and relax for the evening. Come out and join the fun! Get ready to shake your thang!

    Equipment: shoes, water

    Level: All - musicality a plus but not a requirement

    45 min


    Instructor : Sharron

    Regardless of your fitness level, Mobility should be a main focus and concern.

    From preparing to run a marathon or walking to the end of your driveway, the ability to have full range of motion in your muscles and joints is one of the most important aspects of training. Improving your mobility will help in reducing joint pain, increase flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

    The strength portion is formatted to strengthen using body weight and dumbbells.

    The stretching portion of this class will decrease muscle stiffness and continue to improve range of motion. Without stretching the muscle becomes shortened and tight.

    Stretching reduces stress and improves posture.

    We will end this class by listening to relaxing music and lengthen those tight muscles.

  • Pilates

    Instructor: Sharron

    A balanced workout focusing on alignment, breathing and technique. Pilates exercises are performed in a specific order ensuring the muscle chain is warmed up and ready to challenge.

    Working from the inside out, strengthening and stabilizing the body by connecting to the Powerhouse.

    Improve your posture and core strength through this progressive disciplined method.

    Equipment: mat, block or pillow & optional strap. (see alternatives here)

    Level: All

    45 min

  • Self Care and Guided Meditation

    Instructor: Sheila

    Summer Self Care will include mind/body/spirit practices to harmonize your energy, followed by a morning meditation.

    *If you require immediate professional support, contact Crisis Services Canada @1-833-456-4566 or NWO Crisis Response line @ 1-866-888-8988

    Equipment: mat, chair, bolster, comfy place to centre yourself

    Level: All - Newbie, Dabbler, Keener, Cracker Jack

    45 min

  • Strength & Stretch

    Instructor: Cam

    45 minutes of body weight strengthening moves accompanied with appropriate stretches. Deepen your muscle strength while minimizing the after workout fatigue with solid stretching and deep breathing intervals.

    Equipment: mat, light weights (see alternatives here)

    Level: Newbie (w modifications) Dabbler, Keener, Cracker Jack should be fine

    45 min


    Instructors: Kim / Cam

    Using free weights and our own bodies let’s get strong! Tabata, pyramids, timed workouts... we will keep it interesting for all who take on the challenge.

    Roller work will be offered at the end of some classes when indicated on the schedule. Stay & stretch more if you don’t have a roller

    Equipment: weights, mat, chair (see alternatives here)

    Level: Newbie & Dabbler (w modifications) Keener, Cracker Jack should be fine

    45 min

  • STRONG Slow’n Steady & Stretch

    Instructor: Kim

    Using weights, bands and other tools we will slowly build our muscle strength and balance. Arms and core are our focus but whole body moves are to be expected.

    We will take a few extra minutes to stretch and roll at the end. A lovely way to start the morning!

    Bring weights, bands or tubing, a mat. For the stretch have your roller, strap, racquet ball, rolled up towel on hand.

  • STRONGBody

    Instructor: Michelle

    Full body workout using upper body and lower body combo moves to get hearts pumping and bodies moving.

    Equipment: weights, mat, chair mini bands

  • Tangles

    Instructor: June

    Zentangles are an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images. You need no artistic ability, just the desire to explore and discover and experience the benefits of focussing on this beautiful art. The patterns are made one stroke at a time using step-outs that come together to form patterns almost magically. This class is long enough to try complex creations

    Equipment: square of white watercolour paper 3 1/2” but any good paper will do, a fine pen such as a micron pen #.01, a soft pencil and some blending tools called tortillons

    Level: All - artistic abilities not a requirement!

    1 1/2 hour

  • Tangles - Introductory

    Instructor: June

    Zentangles are an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images. You need no artistic ability, just the desire to explore and discover and experience the benefits of focussing on this beautiful art. This class is shorter to practice the more basic patterns.

    The patterns are made one stroke at a time using step-outs that come together to form patterns almost magically

    Equipment: card stock or heavy smooth paper, pencil, sharpener, fine black marker

    Level: Beginner/All


  • Yoga Flow

    Instructor: Melanie

    Seamlessly flowing from one pose to the next. Yoga flow offers a full body stretch with focus on increasing flexibility and strength while calming the mind and centering the core of your being through breathwork and meditation.

    Equipment: mat, block, strap (see alternatives here)

    Level: All

    45 min

  • YogaSTRONG

    Instructor: LJ

    This class focuses on linking breath and movement, and core engagement and will give you a great kick start to your day. Light weights may be incorporated. Enjoy some great stretching (yin) poses at the end.

  • YogaSTRONG - Chair

    Instructor: LJ

    YogaSTRONG - Chair is a fresh approach to Chair Yoga with core fitness components that target glutes, quads, and abs and lighten up your fitness routine and uses a simple chair as the base prop for most poses and exercises. Basic arm weights and straps may be used as well.

  • Zoomfit Book Club

    Host: Sharron

    Current book: The Marsh Kings Daughter by Karen Dionne

    Next meeting March 13

    Meeting once a month following Eccentrics

    Everyone welcome!

    45 min

  • Pure Stength

    Instructor: Sharron

    Strength training is a very important component of an overall fitness program. Lean muscle will diminish with age, strength training will help to preserve and enhance your muscle mass as well as develop strong bones, help with weight management, improve your ability to do everyday activities, help manage joint pain, arthritis, heart disease, depression and diabetes.

    -We start with a short warm up and move into weights, (dumbbells) or body weight.

    -We may use plyometric strengthening to accomplish rapid elongation and contraction cycles, or any of the following:

    OTM, on the minute

    HIIT, high intensity interval training


    This workout will be quick, intense and effective